In a statement made by Foreign Minister Sitharaman, it was revealed that the United States conducted airstrikes in six Muslim-majority countries during President Obama’s tenure. This article will delve into the details of these bombings, shedding light on their implications and consequences.

The Scope of U.S. Military Operations

During President Obama’s time in office, the United States launched airstrikes in several Muslim-majority countries, namely Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, Somalia, and Yemen. These operations were part of the broader strategy to combat terrorism and ensure national security. However, it is essential to examine each country’s context individually to understand the motivations and outcomes of these actions.

Afghanistan: A Prolonged Conflict

Afghanistan has long been a focal point in the fight against terrorism. In response to the September 11 attacks, the United States initiated military operations in Afghanistan to dismantle the Taliban regime and target Al-Qaeda. The bombings aimed to disrupt terrorist networks and bring stability to the region.

Iraq: Removing a Dictator

The U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003 resulted in the overthrow of Saddam Hussein’s regime. Subsequently, the country faced a prolonged period of instability and sectarian violence. While the initial military action aimed to eliminate weapons of mass destruction, the subsequent bombings were carried out to combat insurgent groups and establish stability.

Libya: Aiding in the Arab Spring

The United States, along with its NATO allies, intervened in Libya in 2011 to support the uprising against Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. The bombings primarily targeted Gaddafi’s military infrastructure to protect civilians and enable rebel forces to gain control. However, the aftermath of the intervention led to a power vacuum and increased instability in the country.

Pakistan: Targeting Terrorist Hideouts

In an effort to disrupt terrorist activities, the United States conducted drone strikes in Pakistan’s tribal regions. These targeted areas were believed to harbor Taliban and Al-Qaeda operatives, posing a significant threat to regional and international security. While controversial due to sovereignty concerns, the bombings aimed to degrade terrorist networks.

Somalia: Combating Extremist Groups

The United States has been engaged in counterterrorism efforts in Somalia to combat Al-Shabaab, an extremist group with links to Al-Qaeda. A series of airstrikes were carried out to degrade the group’s capabilities and support the Somali government in establishing stability and security.

Yemen: Addressing an Escalating Crisis

Yemen has been engulfed in a complex and multi-faceted conflict involving multiple actors. The United States conducted airstrikes in Yemen to target Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and provide support to the internationally recognized Yemeni government. However, the bombings have also raised concerns regarding civilian casualties and the humanitarian situation in the country.

Implications and Consequences

The bombings carried out by the United States in these Muslim-majority countries had significant implications and consequences. While the primary objective was to combat terrorism and ensure national security, the long-term outcomes were varied.

On one hand, these bombings disrupted terrorist networks, eliminated high-value targets, and contributed to the degradation of extremist groups. They aimed to create a safer environment for both the United States and the affected countries. However, the bombings also resulted in collateral damage, including civilian casualties, destruction of infrastructure, and increased anti-American sentiment in the regions affected.